Administrative Division
Brad White, Sheriff
Major Leslie Holmes, Chief Deputy
Ginger Story, Executive Assistant
How may we serve you?

Georgia criminal history records can be obtained from the Lamar County Sheriff's Office Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. for a fee of $20.00. Individuals must appear personally at the Sheriff's Office, present photo identification and complete and sign a consent form.
O.C.G.A. §35-3-37 provides for the restriction of certain criminal history records for non-criminal justice purposes when approved by the prosecuting attorney. For arrests after July 1, 2013, there is no application process. You must contact the prosecutor to have your record restricted. For arrests prior to July 1, 2013, you are required to apply for restriction at the arresting agency. Click on the link below to download the application. Follow the instructions on page one to apply for your record restriction.

The Lamar County Sheriff's Office routinely provides fingerprint services for Firearms Permits, Superior Court adoptions, Applicants for beer and wine licenses, Lamar County Firefighters and Lamar County School employees. Applicants must present all required paperwork from the requesting agency prior to being fingerprinted. All fees are collected by the requesting agency not the Lamar County Sheriff’s Office.The Lamar County Sheriff's Office provides fingerprinting services to the citizens and businesses of Lamar County. Fingerprinting services are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am and 430 pm (excluding holidays).
Fingerprint customers are served on a first-come, first-served basis. Appointments are not accepted. Customers must present a valid government issued driver's license or other secure, verifiable photo ID prior to being fingerprinted.
Individuals who require fingerprints only (to be submitted by another agency) must provide the fingerprint cards. The agency or business requiring the fingerprints should provide them to you. There is no fee for fingerprinting services only. Fingerprint based background checks submitted by the Lamar County Sheriff’s Office are $40.00.
We no longer provide fingerprinting services for Hazmat certification for commercial driver’s license. Information on Hazmat certification can be found at
To protect the welfare of all children, the Lamar County Sheriff’s Office will provide parents/legal guardians with fingerprint cards of their children free of charge. The fingerprint cards may prove invaluable in the event of a lost child.

Annually, the Office of Sheriff is required to register secondary metals recyclers doing business in the county, keep a record of each registration, and cause the registration information to be entered into a statewide data base searchable by all law enforcement agencies. Registrations may not be considered without full payment of the $200.00 non-refundable registration fee. All checks returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a $30.00 charge. Identification must be presented at the time of registration.
The statutes that pertain to secondary metals recyclers are: OCGA 10-1-350 through OCGA 10-3-363, OCGA 40-3-36 and OCGA 40-3-56. Recyclers must be familiar with these statutes. Recyclers may visit the Georgia Recyclers Association website to review a summary of relevant laws at .

The Sheriff of Lamar County is charged with the responsibility of issuing licenses to any nonprofit, tax-exempt organization desiring to operate raffles within Lamar County. The Office of the Sheriff has compiled guidelines outlining the prerequisites and procedures for filing an application to operate raffles within the county. These procedures incorporate the provisions of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.§ 16-12-22.1) as they relate to the qualifications and licensing requiremets.
Raffle License Applications are available for download or may be obtained in person at the Lamar County Sheriff's Office. Any application for a raffle license must be completed in it's entirety and returned to the Lamar County Sheriff's Office at 121 Roberta Drive,Barnesville, GA 30204. You should allow ten (10) business days for processing.

Records may be obtained in person at the Sheriff's Office at 121 Roberta Drive, Barnesville, Georgia. Minimal fees may apply and are required to be paid in full before acquiring the records. Personnel are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM to assist with obtaining incident reports, accident reports and other records. Please allow at least 3 business days (or 72 hours) from the date the report was filed before a request for a copy of the report is made.
Accident reports are available online at Incident reports are not currently available online.
To request a report by mail, send $3.00 (cashier's check or money order payable to the Lamar County Sheriff's Office) along with the case number, your name and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Lamar County Sheriff's Office
121 Roberta Drive
Barnesville, GA 30204
For more information concerning records requests please contact the Lamar County Sheriff's Office Custodian of Records at or 770-358-5377.